Tuesday 15 September 2015

So, the French are done...

(insert double entendres here)

All the Chap H vehicles, plus:

AMR 35 ZT1: 13.2mm MA
AMR 35 ZT2: 25LL MA
AMR 35 ZT3: 25LL MA bow-mounted, no turret
AMC 35
Laffly S15 TOE armoured car
AMD White 1918 armoured car
Latil KTL4 truck
Lorraine 28 truck
SAu-40 (47)
SAu-40 (75)




Monday 7 September 2015

Vive la France libre! Part Deux

All the vehicles for Free French listed in Chap H are here. I had to create the Portee vehicles myself, and even added one: Ac de 50 PaK38 (b).